Eat Oysters – Live Longer!
From boosting your immune system and brain health to decreasing inflammation and protecting your heart, here are six of the many wellness benefits oysters provide. To learn more, read Michael Joseph’s article in Nutrition Advance:
6 Health Benefits of Oysters
- Oysters are high in all three classes of omega-3 fatty acids – critical for heart, brain and metabolic health
- Oysters are protein-dense and a source of high-quality protein
- One oyster has 50% of the RDA of zinc – an immunity-boosting mineral
- 100 grams of oysters offers the full RDA for Vitamin D – important for strong bones
- Oyster are packed with Vitamin B12 which boosts energy, improves memory and helps prevent heart disease
- Last, oysters are rich in copper which contributes to healthy bones, tissue and organs
And, if you live on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, you can pick up shucked pints or oysters in the shell from our retail store at 837 Chesapeake Drive, Unit B. We’re open Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 10am and 4pm. Click here for our order form. You can also find Chesapeake Gold Oysters (pints only) at Simmons Center Market and shucked and half shells at Emily’s Produce.